If you want to accomplish big things in life, it’s important to have ambition. We need drive and purpose to motivate our work and get things done. Without it, we can become aimless, drifting through life, reactive to situations.
That said, too much of anything can be counter-productive, and that includes ambition and drive. Too much fixation on a single purpose or goal can cause us to lose sight of the bigger picture.
The path of progress isn’t linear. If we are too honed in on a specific metric as the marker of success, when we reach a stumbling block or obstacle — when we don’t get what we want — the resulting emotion is often anger.
To be sure, you might not immediately label it as anger. You might say that you’re frustrated, annoyed, maybe resentful.
These are just softer labels for anger.
Anger is a sign of resistance. And when you’re in resistance to what is, achieving what you want only becomes more difficult.
Enter the self-reinforcing cycle.
Not getting what you want leads to anger.
Anger is resistance.
Resistance makes it harder to attain your goals.
Anger increases.
In astrology, Mars is the planet that represents our drive and ambition. It’s shadow side is anger and aggression.
Mars is currently transiting through Libra, a sign where it is far from it’s home in Aries. Aries is about our individual desires; Libra is the sign of relationships; in Libra we seek harmony. In Libra, Mars is forced to find more collaborative ways to achieve its goals.
Today, Mars comes into a conjunction with the South Node. The Nodes are the points on the moon’s ecliptic path. When a new or full moon happens close to the nodes, eclipses happen. Next week, we’ll have a new moon solar eclipse in Libra, in a square to Pluto. This will likely bring up long simmering issues buried in shadow.
But first, Mars passes over this point. It’s a potential preview of next week’s eclipse, perhaps bringing up some of those “frustrations” that you’ve long buried beneath the surface.
The south node is a point of release, a place of letting go of what no longer serves us.
As Mars conjuncts the south node, it invites us to investigate the anger that simmers beneath the surface. Ideally we can let it go, but at a minimum, perhaps we can just let it *be*: to acknowledge it as being there, without resistance to it.
When we open up to what’s beneath the surface, it no longer has a hold over us.
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