Once a year, the Sun and Jupiter come together in the sky in a conjunction — known as a Cazimi.
A cazimi is a special type of conjunction specifically between the sun and one of the planets. As the planet and the sun meet at the same degree in the sky, the planet gets enveloped by the sun’s light and warmth.
The sun is the center of our solar system; the cazimi moment is like the planet getting entry to the king’s court for a private moment with the supreme being.
Just as when we spend an afternoon basking in the warmth of the sun, the planet emerges from its time with the sun refreshed, recharged, and renewed.
Like a new moon, which is a conjunction between the sun and the moon, a Cazimi represents the start of a new cycle between the sun and the planet. It’s a good time to set intentions for the next phase of the Sun/Jupiter. cycle.
The Significance of a Jupiter Cazimi
Astrologers consider a Jupiter cazimi to be one of the luckiest days of the year.
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Known as the Great Benefic, it is associated with blessings, growth, expansion, healing, prosperity, good fortune, and miracles. It is also known as the guru, the great teacher, and for bringing wisdom. It is the planet of faith and spirituality.
Jupiter encourages us to remain open to possibility, to explore our beliefs, and to have faith.
The Sun is the planet of vitality; it represents our identity and how we shine.
When they come together, the Sun infuses Jupiter with its light and warmth, giving it more power and potency to bring us abundance, blessings, and opportunities.
According to astrologer April Elliott Kent, as Jupiter and the sun unite they prompt us to ask,
Am I dreaming big enough for myself?
The Meaning of a Jupiter Cazimi in Aries
Although a Jupiter Cazimi happens every year, the specific flavor of each Cazimi is influenced by the sign they are in.
In 2023, they meet at 21° of Aries.
In Aries, the Sun is exalted. Exalted planets are fully resourced in their power, giving the Sun extra potency to refresh Jupiter.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the ultimate initiator. Aries is bold, brave, and courageous. Aries imbues us with the archetypal energy of The Fool in Tarot: the courage to set off on a new adventure without worrying about what others think, or carrying the heavy baggage of expectations or past regrets.
According to Kent,
In Aries, the Sun and Jupiter aren’t concerned with making the world a better place, or even with our own success. Rather, they symbolize the part of us that couldn’t wait to be born because we hungered for adventure, and that wants to wring every bit of experience out of each moment we’re alive. The Sun and Jupiter in Aries want us to boldly go where no one has gone before.
This is a moment to get clear on what we truly desire and to take bold steps towards it.
When we are connected with our Aries energy, we are fully present and connected to ourselves.
When we know who we are, we know exactly what we want and what steps to take to get it. When opportunities arise, we intuitively know whether they are right for us and we say YES without hesitation.
In our Aries energy, we take bold, decisive action, with faith that things will work out and that our actions will be blessed.
All that said, even in our expansion we must remember our humility and seek wisdom. Jupiter represents the big teachings and teachers in our lives, reminding us that we don’t have all the answers and that it’s important to seek guidance.
Correspondence to the Tree of Life Journey
I love when wisdom traditions correlate to each other, so here’s an extra that’s worth noting:
This year’s Jupiter Cazimi comes in the first week of the counting of the Omer, the seven week journey that began on the second day of Passover.
The first week of the Tree of Life journey focuses on the sphere of Chesed. Chesed about being connected and fully present, open to life. The planet that corresponds to Chesed is Jupiter, because of its expansive qualities.
Today is day five of the Omer, which focuses on the sphere of Hod within the sphere of Chesed. Hod represents gratitude, humility, teachers and wisdom — also qualities matching Jupiter’s significations.
The message of this day is to go forth boldly toward what we desire, with faith in the larger plan of God/the Universe, with humility in knowing we don’t have all the answers, and to seek wisdom along the way.
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