In a world that wants us to move ever faster, taking time to slow down can be a revolutionary act. Pausing to reflect before you hit publish on that Tweet, text, Instagram post, or email can might be labeled as procrastination or puttering by some, but it also might reveal your prudence.
Not everything needs to be shared with the public, or with the person who is the target of your missive. Sometimes the best approach is to hang back, double check your data, take a moment to cool off, and reconsider whether it’s truly necessary to say what you were going to say.
Even if it is, is it necessary to say it in this very moment?
Today Mercury, the planet of communication and learning, moves into the sign of Taurus, starting a 9-week period where we are invited to slow down, ground our thinking and communication, and take a pause before sharing our thoughts or information with others.
Mercury’s Archetype and Significations
Mercury is the planet of communication. It is the messenger, the speaker, the microphone and the megaphone. Mercury also governs sales and travel, technology we use to communicate, and learning and education.
Mercury gathers and disseminates information and details, and it likes to move fast.
All planets do their jobs in accordance with the sign where it they are residing. Taurus exerts a slow, stabilizing force on Mercury, causing it to move more slowly.
Keep reading for 3 traits of Mercury in Taurus and how to work with this energy so that it doesn’t frustrate you.
3 Ways to Work with Mercury in Taurus
Here are 3 practical ways to work with Mercury in Taurus:
(1) Slow Your Communication
Taurus is a fixed earth sign symbolized by the bull. Speed is not the game here. Taurus is the realm of earthly delights, slow — some might say “lazy” — pleasure-filled days. The nature of Taurus is to find ease, to move slowly, to linger, to stop and rest.
You can’t hurry the bull.
In Taurus, Mercury must adapt to the methodical — some might say plodding — pace of the bull.
Mercury in Taurus is slow. It double checks the data before it disseminates it. It reviews its numbers. It measures twice. It runs a spell-check and then re-checks for the words that are spelled correctly but used improperly.
With Mercury in Taurus, double check your information before sending a message or publishing anything.
Proofread your emails before hitting send. Make sure your numbers add up before filing your tax returns.
And before you “fire off” that email or reactively reply to a text or a social media comment, pause and take a breath. Consider whether it’s really necessary to say something in the heat of the moment.
(2) Attune Your Senses
This is one of the great paradoxes of life: the way we know what’s coming is not by seeing into the future, but by being more attuned to the present.
Mercury is generally considered the planet of the mind: it thinks and analyzes.
And yet sometimes the most relevant messages are not received or delivered by words, but via our other senses.Taurus is a sign known for its connection to the material, sensory world and its high sensory attunement.
The gift of the mind is that it can take us anywhere in space or time. That’s also its curse. When we live in the mind, we are almost always in the past or the future. Taurus, as a fixed sign, is about the present. It’s not initiating a seaon and looking ahead to potential. Nor is it ending the season and focused on change and loss and what might arise.
In Taurus, we are invited to get present as we connect with the earth and the material realm. Taurus is all about the now.
Mercury in Taurus gathers and disseminates information in this Taurean way: it helps us feel into things, pay attention to the signals within the body. Mercury in Taurus sniffs out information and honest your gut instinct and your deep inner knowing.
The way animals know what’s coming is by laying on the earth and feeling the vibration of the footsteps that are still out of sight.
This is one of the great paradoxes of life: the way we know what’s coming is not by seeing into the future, but by being more attuned to the present.
(3) Simplify Your Ideas
Taurus is a sign that luxuriates in simplicity and practicality.
In Taurus, the priority is on creating ample space to rest and relax, not to overload the mind or the agenda with too many ideas.
Streamline your thoughts. Simplify your ideas. Find the most practical and easeful way to implement an idea or begin a project.
This fixed earth sign is about taking the vision of Aries season and grounding it into the earthly plane.
In Taurus, any theory must be useful and practical to cut through. This is not a sign about the theory of ideas, of discussing the potential outcomes from a hypothetical cross-pollination of seeds. It’s the sign of actually planting seeds in the soil.
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