This is part of a 7-week series exploring the seven core emotional attributes that drive human interaction, as presented by the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. These attributes are collectively called Sephirot. Each individually is a sephirah.
This week we are exploring the seven aspects of the sphere of Hod.
what blocks gratitude
remove the interference
to let the good land
Today we explore the nuance of Netzach of Hod.
Hod is about seeing splendor and majesty and appreciating what’s here. It’s about seeing what’s right and good in every situation.
Netzach is about endurance. Perseverance. Victory.
One way we can look at this is as the concept of letting the good land.
Let the Good Land
We all have a negativity bias.
How much do you appreciate something or celebrate the good before you move back to seeing what’s wrong?
Do you tend to turn on yourself and become self-aversive?
I did something great. And I didn’t let it land. I didn’t persevere in my appreciation of the moment or myself.
I let a momentary self-critical thought spin me out against myself.
When I lose sight of my light I can’t see anything else.
When I turn against myself I deprive myself of the opportunity to reinforce all the good that is happening. All the ways I am shining my light and making progress.
I lose the majesty of the moment.
It all happened because I was trying to control things, stuck in a rigid mindset of the “right” sequence to do something. I didn’t allow things to unfold. I made what was happening “wrong.”
I resisted the moment instead of surrendering to it.
This was an example of a deficiency of Netzach of Hod.
Endure in Humility
This desire to control or have things be a certain way is the opposite of the humility and surrender of Hod.
This speaks to another aspect of Netzach of Hod: how do you endure in humility, even when things don’t go the way you’d like to see them?
When we can endure in our humility, this paves the way for us to let the good land, which in turn deepens our faith in the unfolding of events.
It becomes a vicarious cycle.
How good are you at “letting the good land?”
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