Mars in Scorpio
activate your deep resolve
fuel up your drive
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It’s often said that inspiration doesn’t last, but motivation does.
A strong enough WHY can carry you through any obstacle.
I’m sure you’ve heard this.
It’s not wrong, but it’s also not the whole story.
Even a strong WHY can fade over time. Maybe your values shift, and you’re no longer drive by the same things.
Maybe what you desire changes.
Or maybe you just don’t know anymore what you want and what drives you.
If you find yourself there, wondering what you’re doing and what’s it all for and feeling uninspired and unmotivated, the first thing to know is:
There’s nothing wrong with you.
Despite the messages you may see from the dominant Productivity Culture, this does not mean you’re lazy, or lack drive, or lack courage, or that you’re defective or broken in any way.
Feeling uninspired and unmotivated doesn’t mean you’re broken. It means you’re human.
It may mean you’re in a new phase of growth. As you shed parts of yourself you will naturally change how you relate to your work and the things that once drove you.
Or it may mean that you are tired. Possibly more than tired. You might be teetering on the edge of burnout, or fully be in burnout.
This is The Mystery
If you’re feeling this now, in this time of the year, especially in 2021, it’s very appropriate to the season.
This is the The Mystery, the realm of the unknown. It is the darkest time of the year.
Scorpio season is a time for plunging the depths, which is the source of all transformation.
And Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, is currently here, at home in one of the signs it rules. Mars is our inner warrior, our drive, our fire.
What you can do about it
Resisting The Mystery won’t replenish your depletion. Making it wrong or piling on more action are not helpful here.
You also don’t need a list of “10 things to do to find your motivation.” In fact, in this situation, those long lists are likely to backfire. When you feel depleted and disconnected from your motivation, less is more.
Step back. Rest. Allow yourself to be in this place.
Give yourself permission to be in this place of the unknown. Let go of your need for a “big fat goal” or a “compelling WHY.”
Create space for being. This is what your inner warrior needs. Fire cannot grow without space. It needs oxygen to fuel it.
This is a radical act, in the true meaning of the word radical, which means “root.” In the stillness, you can get to the root of what you truly desire and what drives you.
What This Looks Like
This doesn’t mean you need to stop all activity. I am not suggesting you stay in bed all day. There’s a difference between wallowing in your apathy and being in the mystery.
Being in the mystery may look like creating more space in your schedule, pruning commitments, doing the bare minimum, or exploring new things. Find being through your doing.
Allow yourself to step back. Rest in the stillness of deep waters. In this place, you will reconnect with your deep resolve and refuel your drive.
Trust that your inner warrior will reemerge.
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